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Writer's pictureMegan DiMaria

12 Strategies for Writing Success

You know, if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Who needs that in their life?

To succeed, you've got to get a plan in place. I've got a few ideas for you.

Strategies for writing success:

  • Are you just in the I-want-to-be-a-writer stage? One of the best strategies you can use to get going is to tell folks in your circle that you're going to start writing. This will put your goal out in public, and friends will ask about your writing progress. Once others know about your plan, it becomes more real and you'll feel a sense of responsibility to chase your dream.

  • Find a writing community. It's not hard to find other writers these days. I frequently recommend American Christian Fiction Writers, a national organization that also has local groups. Another national group is Word Weavers, they support both fiction and nonfiction writers. Also, check out your local library for writer events, that's a great way to find writers in your area.

  • Buy books on craft. Even without a local writers group, you can start to educate yourself about the ins and outs of good writing.

  • Attend local seminars. If you look around, you're bound to find some seminars within driving distance. Not only will you learn lots, but you'll make connections with other writers.

  • Connect with other writers to form a critique group. Some writers groups do critiques during their meetings, but I think it's wise to find a handful of other writers with whom you can share work and get valuable feedback.

  • Track your progress. I keep a simple word document where I record the date and my current word count. If you're interested, there are apps that let you create cool graphs and charts of word count.

  • Employ tricks to up your productivity. I like to set a timer with a goal to write a specific amount of words in 15 minutes. My usual is 250 words. When I'm chugging along, that's 1,000 words in an hour.

  • Revise your manuscript in a timely manner. If you're fortunate and have a critique group, consider their suggestions (which you don't have to take) and make revisions so you can move forward in your manuscript.

  • Decide to write a specific amount of days per week. I like to write at least five times a week—even if I only write 50 words. Some writers only write on the weekend. Do what works for you, but be consistent.

  • Attend a writers conference. It's an expense, but it's worth it. At a conference, you'll have an opportunity to meet with editors, agents, and other writers. It fires you up and provides the encouragement you'll need to press on.

  • Pray about your writing. Do you believe you were gifted with your talent? You owe it to yourself to pray about your career. God has plans for all of us. Ask Him for guidance, and direction, to be blessed with words and ideas, and for the persistence and thick skin you'll need to be a successful author.

  • Celebrate your successes. Did you finish writing a chapter? A book? Did you send a proposal? Were you offered representation by an agent? Were you offered a publishing contract? Celebrate!

Hang in there and write on, friends


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