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  • Writer's pictureMegan DiMaria

Opportunity Alert: virtual writing workshop

I'm always on the lookout for a good learning opportunity, and a friend recommended this upcoming workshop to me. Jane K. Cleland comes highly qualified, and her experience and the info she plans on sharing will help writers at any level improve their craft.

Ask yourself, are the stakes for you (and your protagonist) high enough? High stakes are what interest readers and keep them turning pages. Here's an opportunity to learn a pro's tips on upping the stakes/tension in your story.

Jane Cleland will discuss proven ways to raise the stakes with your writing! AND, there will be time for questions at the end of the one-hour workshop.

I signed up, and you should consider setting an hour aside this weekend to work on the craft, too.

Interested? Sign up here. I'll "see" you this Saturday!


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