If you get tired of trying, don't quit. REST.
We all have that passion or that responsibility that propels us to keep on trying. Or perhaps we don't have a choice, but we feel like quitting.
I understand. It's tough to keep going and going when the efforts haven't yielded the results you're praying for. It's tough when you doubt. It's tough when people don't support your dream. But, it's not about them. Consider this: it's between you and God.

Friends, believe that God hears your prayers. He feels your frustration. He knows that you are exhausted and weary from trying and trying. He understands that you're worried about how or when everything will work out. Seek His voice, and listen to Him. I believe He'll say, "Trust Me. You will move forward. Your dreams are nothing compared to what I have planned for you. Rest in Me. Don't quit. Rest."
Our journeys are long, and it's important to surround yourself with people who are going to motivate and inspire you. Don't listen to the voices of defeat. There are some out there who think your dreams or goals are too big, and they don't mind telling you to abandon them. I had a discouraging moment last week. I was hurt then I was angry then I grieved for about 20 minutes then I prayed about it. (I understand that my list was out of order, but I'm not perfect.) I was a bit rough with Him, but I know He can take it. Then I put all my concerns and heartache into His hands. That's where they belong. That's what we're told to do.
Casting all your anxieties on him, because He cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7
I even took a day and did a lot of nothing. Try it. Give yourself the luxury of not worrying and not stressing over your striving.
And then, get back to it. Whatever IT is for you.
What about you? Do you have any advice for when you feel weary of the journey? Leave a comment, and share your wisdom.