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  • Writer's pictureMegan DiMaria

Strategies to overcome writer's burnout, part 1

Dear writer, are you feeling burned out?

Is your word count and productivity down? Do you want to beat your head against a wall to battle writer's block?

Shake those blues, and concentrate on something other than your work in progress.

Need some suggestions? (I thought you’d ask.)

  1. Take some photographs.

  • Grab your camera and take a field trip to a local park, busy shopping area, town square. Let yourself focus on whatever catches your fancy. You may look back at your images and see a spark of an idea in a situation, location, or the faces of people being alone or interacting with each other. *Just don’t appear to be a stalker, this is what zoom lenses are for.

  1. Take care of business.

  • Concentrate on other writing-related tasks.

  • Revise a manuscript.

  • Send out queries.

  • Research the market.

  1. Relax and smile. This is not the end of the world.

  • Remember, “This, too, shall pass.”

  • The more you worry, the harder it is to think clearly.

  1. Vent your frustrations to someone you trust.

  2. Take a break from writing.

  • If the thought of having to write makes you feel ill or anxious, take a break. This is not the same as quitting. There’s nothing wrong will allowing yourself a brief sabbatical. But give your sabbatical a definite time frame.

Got it? Good.

Okay, do you have any suggestions to share? What do you do when you're feeling blah about your writing?


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