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A Prisoner of Hope
Offering hope and encouragement for life, writing, and living a thoughtful life.

A Prisoner of Hope
Offering hope and encouragement for life, writing, and living a thoughtful life.
I post the first and third Tuesday of the month.

Megan DiMaria
May 19, 20202 min read
Why being kind is good for you and others—especially now!
A moment please, and a word about biding your tongue and minding your manners. I think we've all lost patience with the world since...

Megan DiMaria
Feb 26, 20192 min read
Practice kindness, that forgotten virtue.
Did you know you have the power to change someone else's reality? Extend yourself and show kindness, either in word or deed. Your...

Megan DiMaria
Nov 6, 20181 min read
Strategies to overcome writer's burnout, part 2
Last Tuesday I discussing writer's block and strategies to get your productivity back on track. Writer's block doesn’t have to paralyze...

Megan DiMaria
Oct 30, 20181 min read
Strategies to overcome writer's burnout, part 1
Dear writer, are you feeling burned out? Is your word count and productivity down? Do you want to beat your head against a wall to battle...

Megan DiMaria
Jul 24, 20183 min read
Guideposts for a writer's journey, part 5
Welcome! We have been discussing the writer's journey. I likened it to climbing up the side of a Colorado mountain. In my case, I had...

Megan DiMaria
Mar 6, 20181 min read
Writers, get your stubborn on!
See that tree? I came upon it on a hike in the White Mountains of New Hampshire last fall. To me, that tree is the definition of...

Megan DiMaria
Feb 6, 20181 min read
Efforts = Accomplishment, now don't forget that!
Rome wasn't built in a day. Slow and steady wins the race. Little strokes fell great oaks. You've heard those sayings before. They endure...

Megan DiMaria
May 23, 20173 min read
Understanding Author Voice, part two
*This is part two in a series. View part one. Last week we started discussing author voice, which is the way in which an author tells a...

Megan DiMaria
May 16, 20173 min read
What is Author Voice?
A lot of time is spent in writing circles discussing author voice. What is it? How do you perfect it? Author voice is the way in which an...

Megan DiMaria
May 9, 20172 min read
Do dreams expire?
Is it ever too late to pursue a dream? Can you ponder a dream for too long, and miss the opportunity for accomplishment? Consider the...

Megan DiMaria
Apr 11, 20172 min read
The Truth about Defining Moments
Have you experienced a moment when when reality crystalizes and you finally KNOW a deep, personal truth? I’ve been thinking about...

Megan DiMaria
Feb 28, 20172 min read
Strategies to Overcome Writer's Block
Consider yourself the luckiest writer in the universe if you’ve never experienced a moment of writer’s block. Consider yourself fortunate...

Megan DiMaria
Feb 21, 20171 min read
When challenges arise, what do YOU do?
When faced with a challenge, do you give up or persist? See that photo? It's of a hiking trial in Maroon Bells outside of Aspen,...
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