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  • Writer's pictureMegan DiMaria

Living Generously Unlocks Blessings!

Goodness, isn't life stressful lately? Summer's ending, school is starting, and folks are actually thinking about the coming holidays.

Whew. Take a breath. I'm still enjoying patio life here in Colorado, and I'll be sitting outside with a lap blanket until it's too cold for my fingers to fly over the keyboard.

You may not know that I'm (still) recovering from an accident I had at the end of 2023. For several months, I was off my feet and at the mercy of others' kindnesses. I had plenty of time to reflect on life—its joys and its challenges. I've compiled a list to remind us that it's the little things in life that bring pleasure and satisfaction and brighten the days of others.

Megan's Keys to Living Generously:

  1. Read your Bible regularly, and pray daily. I think the most generous thing you can do for yourself is to have a relationship with Jesus. Ground yourself in God's Word. Pray for wisdom. Set your expectations and release your disappointments based on the promises of God.

  2. Compliment people. I went to my doctor's last week and as soon as I left, I regretted not complimenting one of the women who work in the office on her lovely dress. She looked like a delightful summer day. I won't forget to mention that the next time I speak with her.

  3. Be the person who says "Hello" first. This is easy for me. I could hold a conversation with a rock. I've discovered speaking with strangers is usually a delightful pastime. Sometimes you can deposit joy into a person's day who needs it.

  4. Live beneath your means. This one is pretty easy for me. Growing up, I assumed everyone welcomed hand-me-downs and considered whether each purchase was truly necessary. (On the other hand, I've finally gotten over feeling guilty about making personal purchases—not that I've made many this year. It's been my year of recovery, not socializing.)

  5. Don't give up on anybody. Miracles happen! Pray, and keep on praying.

  6. Never deprive someone of hope. This is a big deal. Sometimes hope is all someone has. Don't squish it.

  7. Be tenderhearted. The world is a rough place. Give someone else the benefit of the doubt.

  8. Be kind and generous to others. Even with a small kindness, you might change the situation or alter the outlook for another.

  9. Keep your promises. If you say you're going to do something, do it! Also, think for a moment before you extend yourself, your time, or your resources. If you can't say "yes," don't.

  10. Be cheerful. Just because you might be having a difficult day, don't bring others down.

  11. Treat others the way you want to be treated. Do so even if it requires effort on your part.

  12. Remember that overnight success usually takes a decade or so. Being generous to yourself is important, too. Little steps each day are moving you forward on your journey and toward your goals. Don't be harsh with yourself.

  13. Be happy for others' achievements. Someone else's success doesn't limit your opportunities.

  14. Don't be jealous. Jealousy is a poison that kills you and those you envy. Honestly, I've come to realize that jealous people don't want what you have, they don't want you to have anything. (Yeah, I've got a lot of energy on this, having survived a relationship with someone driven by jealousy.)

  15. Never waste an opportunity to tell someone you love them. You never know when you won't have that chance again.

As wonderful as showing kindness to others is, you'll find yourself blessed as well:

Whoever pursues righteousness and love finds life, prosperity and honor. Proverbs 21:21


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